I Did Something Crazy

To many of you, it’s not that crazy, but I bought two pairs of shoes in like, the last month. Whoa.

You see – I finally have a job that pays me an amount of money that allows for expendable income. It’s completely exciting. Up to now, my wardrobe consisted of hand-me-downs, swap steals, the occasional thrift find, and cheap ass shit.

I still really appreciate all of the aforementioned sources of appropriation, but to finally have money that I can spend to build a closet with wardrobe staples that are entirely ME is pretty damn fun. Plus I’m almost 30. Now that the college degrees are out of the way and I scored a great job, it’s time I buy myself some of my own damn clothes, right? (See, I still have to ask as I try and rid myself of the weird feelings of guilt over spending my own money. Being formerly poor is weird like that.)

So anyway, I bought shoes. I’ve always had a hard time buying shoes. Because with shoes, unlike with say, sweaters or leggings or whatever, you can’t get by on “cheap” as easily. I’m still am not spending a fortune or anything, but let’s consider spending more than $45 on a pair of Vans a step up.

Pair #1 – Doc Martens 

Yeah, yeah, I get it. The dream of the 90’s is blah blah blah … but let’s be real here. This fashion phenomena is not just hitting Portland (it just never left Portland) and I would way rather walk around seeing 90’s fashion flashbacks everywhere than say, the 80’s. The 80’s are just not my steez.



I’ve been talking about how I just really need some new boots. In Portland, where it’s rainy and cloudy for 9 months of the year, investing in boots is kind of a must. Just so happens that for the past year or so I’ve also been swooning over Doc Martens. Especially those Oxblood red numbers.

So here I am, walking to work the other day, in a pair of flats with no socks or anything, and it’s pissing rain and I’m like MAN I really need some BOOTS. The time is NOW. And then I see the Dr. Martens store as I cross Burnside and I’m like, mmmm Dr. Martens.

And then bam! It hits me. Duh. Dr. Martens are fucking BOOTS. Going to look on my lunch break can’t hurt, right?



Best purchase I’ve made in a long, long time. Practically wore these puppies out of the store. And I went with black knowing that if I loved them (which I do) I could always go back and pick up a pair up in Oxblood. Black is more a staple item. And that’s my thing with what I’m actually willing to spend money on – collecting staples.


Item #2 – Phew. Deep breath. Jeffrey Campbell Soiree Heels

Ok, ok. What the fuck was I thinking? Who am I? Will I ever where these?

I don’t know the answer to any of these questions – well except the last because yeah – I have to wear these. I’ve had my eye on them for a few months now. Mainly because I saw this girl’s picture over on her tumblr The F Word (follow her – she’s too fucking cute) and was like damn. Give me those.



Then. Well. They went on sale. At Urban Outfitter of all places. And I got an email saying SALE SALE SALE. You know?

And then I was like, well it can’t hurt to click the link and look, right? WRONG.

It hurt my bank account. But only by $87.50. Which, for these … not bad. And now I own a pair of nice heels! They’re different and edgy, sure, but they’re also a really classic silhouette when all the trend is stripped away. And I stray pretty far from straight up classic fashion aesthetics. So, it was meant to be. I just … I had to splurge.



Sorry I’m not sorry.

I’m still crafting my perfect first outfit with them, so you’ll have to wait for that 🙂 TBC …

Until then – don’t let me buy anything else! Unless I’m buying it in THAILAND!

xoxo, Lou


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